How to Stop Worrying and Love Your Office Move

Office Move Planning for IT

Moving from one place to another is a scary thought, especially for a business. There are so many things to do and consider. You want to minimize both the downtime for your team and any impact on your customers. But it is possible to LOVE the office move, with a little bit of planning, especially when it comes to your tech needs.

Internet connectivity

Get your IT team involved, if possible before you sign the lease. The most crucial aspect of most modern businesses is internet connectivity, which is why your IT team or provider should be at the top of your consultation list. They’re the ones who will know where to put your router, server, phone infrastructure and more. They will also help you decide on the type of systems, such as fiber optics, cable or other.

You want to confirm that internet service will be as easy as possible: Make sure that fiber optics are available in the chosen location if that’s what you need. Or will you have to consider another choice like cable? Your IT team or provider will be invaluable in helping to make this decision.

Phone service setup

Phone service is also critical to any business. If your business has already switched to a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), it will be a fairly easy transfer. But if it’s an analog system that is 15 to 20 years old, and you want to switch to a new system like VoIP, you will have to factor in time for the new equipment needed to arrive and the phone numbers to be properly transferred.

Space considerations for tech infrastructure

Where will you put your networking equipment? Is there a segregated area in the new facility or will some room modifications need to be done?

Will you need a designated area open to clients (front desk?) Privacy area? Break room? Should there be IT equipment in those areas?

Once you decide on your new space, give your IT team a detailed floor plan and then have them “walk” the space if possible. It will take time to evaluate each area. For instance, will specific spaces need two double drop data ports? More? Less?

Network equipment needs

Then comes the need to re-evaluate the actual equipment you have vs. what you need in a bigger space.

Where will you put the office machines such as printers? Network connections? Wireless access points? Security of new devices and connections? Other supplies for computers, printers, etc.? Our team can help you design and environment that is efficient, effective and secure.

Scheduling and planning

Scheduling and planning is the last piece of the puzzle. At Intrust, we plan at least a day or two of downtime to get your company up and running at the new facility. We usually provide two of our technical service resources to move, install and reconfigure network infrastructure to create the least disruption for your business.

When our clients move, we schedule an account manager or one of our technical resources to be on site the morning of the occupancy date to assist with any connectivity issues that may arise during that first day of transition to reduce friction and ensure a successful move to your new office.

Plan twice! Move once!

Download our free Moving Guide for more information on planning a smooth office move. Need more help? Contact us or book an appointment.

Posted in
Joshua Gray | Intrust IT Support Cincinnati

Josh Rees

Josh Rees, Client Success Manager, has been with Intrust for over 5 years and started as a service technician for a year before moving to his current position. He acts as quarterback for Intrust, making sure that we are all on the same page. In his spare time, Josh is a huge comic book collector.

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